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Email Dr. Joanna Lowe Sellers

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Mission: Scholarship Ministry:


The prophet Hosea states in the fourth chapter, sixth verse, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"  Like all the prophetic books in the bible, Hosea emphasizes the sins of Israel and issues a plea for the nation to return to God. In the verse above, God judges and finds Israel guilty of an ignorance of His Word. As believers, we can only live the Christian life through personal knowledge of the Word of God. As we reject the Word of God, we are doomed to failure in the Christian Life.


The same can be said for those who reject the knowledge housed in academic and technical institutions. A great deal of the violence and destruction occurring in our communities today can be traced to economic conditions and the lack of support of the development of the academic talent.


Antioch East Baptist Church recognizes the importance of encouraging our youth by forming a Scholarship Committee.


The Scholarship Committee solicits the prayers of the Church as we go forth in this endeavor. May our prayer be that we as adults teach our children that the fear of God is the beginning of all knowledge.

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